This priest’s UI

Posted on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 by Soltaker

I was talking with Anea earlier today and she suggested that I put up a post with my UI. As she’s always curious about other people’s UI. So here goes it. Figured I’d post one out of combat and in combat, ArcHud2 is more prominent in combat.


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2 Responses to "This priest’s UI":

Anonymous says:

When I first saw your UI, I thought, "Ooh, he's one of those people that have everything hiding and won't show until they make it." and mainly I was looking at your name frames. They weren't there!

... or were they? You use numbers for your unit frames? I see you have healbot sitting there, so that isn't too scary, but I'm not even brave enough to go with no bars!

And I really like that you have your screen empty and most of your buttons low on the screen. I don't know how some people can function with stuff all over the place >.>

And I know it's silly, but seeing your ArcHUD and ArkInventory make me all nostalgic. (I used both those for a long time on my rogue.)

Soltaker says:

Yeah I hate having my name frames up, wish I could remember how I turned off the party ones. :( All the rest are turned off. :)

Thank you, I like having more room to enjoy the graphics of the game as well. :)