Ah…Holy Nova

Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 by Soltaker

First, I would like to give a hearty thanks to Blizz for no longer making me spend a talent point in Holy Nova. Having an AOE that heals is just wonderful. I find myself using more and more these days.


Used to be I only used holy nova in desperate times, as a defensive “keep my butt alive” measure. Now though, I find I’m using more as an offensive spell. Part of this may be due to the highly populated areas in Northrend that I find myself in. Like competing with “rush hour” traffic while completing the Sons of Hodir dailies (even after exalted, they’re close together for a quick 70 gold) . There are usually several people working on Hot and Cold when I log on after getting home from work (about 4pm server time) and you have to be quick on the draw if you want any chance of completing the quest in relative short order. Otherwise someone will tag it before you can cast of a spell. It’s also very useful when completing Polishing the Helm since there always seems to be a few people lurking in that darn cave. Even though the 3.0.8 patch was supposed to help out with the whole problem of someone taking a kill after you threw a DoT on them. I’m still in the mode of drop they’re health bar or you’ll lose it. Or perhaps, it was just my n00bness that kept me from using it.


I also find it very helpful when trying to farm cooking mats like chilled meat and chunk o’ mammoth (thanks again Blizz for reducing that mount of chilled meat we need for those dailies). Farming goes a whole lot faster when you’re taking out 7-10 mobs at a time. :) Of course, now I’ve got so much of the stuff that it’s taking up bank space until I get the northen spices to make something highly useful out of it. =P


Why I didn’t think of that before I hit 80, I have no idea. Guess it may have been that I was used to not being able to take a hit, being a clothie and all. Although I don’t think that I kept the talent point in Holy Nova before the talent tree change for Lich King. Since I always seem to need that 1 point somewhere else in my spec. So if you’re a little slow like me, maybe you too will start to see holy nova in a whole new light.


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