Patch 3.1 priest changes

Posted on Thursday, February 5, 2009 by Soltaker


It appears that I’ll be picking out talents once again after patch 3.1 comes out. According to this post at, the expected changes are something to get excited about. Moving Divine Spirit to a core ability is nice, at least I won’t be the only priest that can hand out that buff.


Depending on where Power Word: Barrier falls in the discipline tree, I might pick that up. The improvment of our AoE heals will be wonderful. Being able to cast Prayer of Healing on any group in the raid will certainly help with Loatheb. I’ve tried to spec into CoH but really, it never seemed worth it to me. Then again, I don’t spec into Spirit of Redemption either.  It’s

been my experience that once it gets to that point, it’s pretty much a wipe anyway. As for Holy Nova, the reduced mana cost will be great for mowing down PvE mobs. It’ll certainly make running some of the classic dungeons go a bit faster (less time drinking). And according to Kestrel, it’s a viable 25-man raid spell. Although I don’t use it all that much in raids, but it’s been known to happen from time to time.


The changes to Shadow Priests makes me want to level one just to go playing in battlegrounds and arenas. I’m thrilled that they’re changing Serendipity, I never really sat down to do the math, but it always seemed a waste in its current state. Of course, I’m curious to see the new PvP talents that are suggested. Would be nice to do something other than die horribly in PvP as a holy/disc priest. :)


At the end of the day I think the changes will be good for us healers as it seems we’re on the low end of the healer hierarchy.


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