Shafted! Bug or Exploit?

Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 by Soltaker

So in taking part in the mad frenzy of “Love is in the Air” last night I noticed something about the Shafted! achievement. Seems that if you start the cast of your Silver Shafted Arrow and interrupt it, you not only get credit for shooting the player, but you get to keep the arrow. So, for now you can get the achievement with only 5 arrows. Those that have already been shot and have the peddlefeet guy are not valid targets, so you can’t try the same trick on them back to back…so you don’t get away with it that easy. =P


Update: Although the event has passed, I still feel the need to update this post. This “bug” was corrected so you cannot do this anymore. :( So you won’t be able to get away with next year!

2 Responses to "Shafted! Bug or Exploit?":

Anonymous says:

RE-ally? I'll have to try that out, I had no idea! I'm stuck getting more junk just to get more arrows for the darn achievement, but well... perhaps this can work for me!

Soltaker says:

I did it with 3 different toons last night, muhahahaha. :D