Higher Learning

Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 by Soltaker

So I’ve been after this achievement pretty much since I set foot in Dalaran. So far, I’ve only found like 3 of the books. I finally broke down and looked on wowhead.com and found a nice map and a potentially super tip. That tip being joining the “books” channel. I did the “/join books” and to my surprise there was actually a books channel on my server. (not that I’ve seen anyone actually use it yet) So the thing one of my guildies was saying the other day about a channel made sense after that.


I have confirmed that at least some of the books do seem to respawn after about 3 hours. Of course, I haven’t watched them enough to know if it changes. (I do have raid things to do. =P) But I have gone back and checked a few times after seeing one of the junk books show up to see if another book spawned at the 3 hour mark. Of course, that meant getting up way early to login and check it out. (perhaps I don’t have that much to do after all)


I hope this helps you in your endeavors to confuse future warlocks as to how you have a version of their void walker. :)

4 Responses to "Higher Learning":

Anonymous says:

Hm - I haven't checked to see if there was a channel yet (though I'm sure there is) - that would be really helpful! I have found only two of the books and all the other times I happen to be running around haven't found any more that count.

Soltaker says:

@holydiscipline - last night, I was on my lock and noticed the one by the teleport stone, so I switched over to the priest that was in UC and by the time I got there, it was gone. /cry

I came across 4 books this morning, but only one of them counted towards the achievment. :(

Anonymous says:

My wife got the coolest looking pet in the whole game last night.

Stinker the little skunk haha looks amazing.

Soltaker says:

@esdras Grats to her! I was hoping to have that little guy after I got peddlefeet. However, I never got peddlefeet so now I'm @ 49 pets and no peddlefeet. I could always break down and get the last pet just haven't yet.