Bring out your dead!

Posted on Monday, January 26, 2009 by Soltaker

Gate  You’ve just survived a grueling epic boss fight, and are one of a few left standing to tell the tale. Hands still shaking and sweat still dripping from your brow you drool in anticipation of what the boss might have on them this time. But…before you can get your hands on that nifty new shiny, there’s some dead to pick up off the floor.


Getting those bodies off the floor and up and running around quickly not only saves the poor sap the long walk back, but helps keep the raid moving at a decent clip. While loot is being passed out, you can

be buffing the raid and getting your mana back up. So once that body’s picked clean you can be back to slashing your way to the next boss all that much faster.


I’ve written a macro for notifying the other’s that may be rezzing, who I’m casting my rez on. Hopefully, keeping both us from wasting the cast time on the same person. However, there is the occasional paladin or druid who just has to show off that the cast time on their rez is shorter than that of us priests. And if they don’t have a macro or addon that tells you want they’re bringing back from the dead, you just wasted your time. So I wrote the following macro to notify the party/raid just who I’m picking up off the floor. I used some classic movie one liners and have the macro randomly pick one to say. I just can’t stand having the same “casting <spell> on <target>” message. It’s too bad there’s a character limit for macros, would like to have a few more sayings just to add to the variety. I guess I could always have more than one rez macro. :)


Here it is…

/script s={"Buckle up %t, you're going for a ride","Quit sleeping on the job %t","Stay away from the light %t!","There's dead, then there's just lazy %t"};SendChatMessage(s[random(1,3)],"SAY")
/cast Resurrection(Rank 6)

As you can probably see in the script, I originally had four sayings but use only 3. If you have more sayings or change the number of sayings you’re using just change the last number in the random(1,3) part of the script.


Speaking of which I guess I should change mine out, since this was a pre LK script.



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